Les Pavots
Les Pavots


One of the true delights of Les Pavots is the amazing terraced Mediterranean garden, which has been established over many years. You will find beautiful flowers all through the year, but please don't expect a lush green lawn in the dry, hot summer months!


 Garden produce


  • Please help yourself to the fantastic cherries if you are resident when they are ripe in May / June. The tree produces more fruit than we can cope with, so don't be afraid to take some home. 
  • Wild asparagus appears all over the garden in spring as thin spindly shoots and not the thick stalks that one buys at the greengrocers. 
  • Sloes in abundance grow in the hedges around the garden.  Please pick what you want if you can endure the injuries from the spiky bushes.
  • Olives are an obvious crop in the garden, but need lengthy treatment in brine before eating. 
  • Walnuts are collected from the tree by the steps to the pool. 
  • Figs can be collected from the old tree in the lowest corner of the garden during August or September.  They barbecue quite well if you add slices of goats cheese to the cut fruit and then wrap in ham.
  • Other fruit which you can find around the garden include apricots, apples, hazelnuts, grapes and Kiwi fruit!

Who rents Les Pavots?
Families, family groups holidaying together, couples - anyone in fact!

Location good for?
People who love the outdoors, French village life, fantastic wine and vineyards, sunny days and warm nights. Perfect for those who want to be active (cycling, walking, kayaking). Enjoy peace and tranquillity and privacy to do your own thing.

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© John Wertheim